Technique and Tools Update!

Hi there! 
   I definitely am prone to posting a lot for a couple days then completely forgetting for a week or two, so here i am! I’ve been resting, relaxing, and recovering from that cold that everyone has that’s totally not covid at all but that’s fine.

     Anyways hi! I have been working lots, and doing some customs! I have lots of fun new things in the works, and a few surprises that I can’t share yet! With all that being said, I’d love to share with you some of the new ways I’ve been making my artwork unique, and new techniques I’ve been trying to get the desired textures and effects!

    If you know me at all, you know I cannot stand creating artwork or anything at all that someone else has already done, I love to put my own unique spin on things! So recently I’ve been struggling with the texture of my clay, I enjoy wrinkles and deep textures, it just gives the surface more depth and allows more areas for color to shine through, but my stuff has felt too flat. I’m always searching for a cool new texture or new ways to add depth to all my pieces!! While I’ve been taking a break from tattooing to focus on killing my parasite, I’ve been absolutely ITCHING to tattoo! I’m impulsive, so I got a nice fake skin hand from the recent tattoo convention (the Tommy’s convention is this weekend in CT!), while I haven’t been able to tattoo those knuckles yet, I got really irritated with my textures and seized the perfect opportunity! I had some leftover silicone mold putty, and made my own texture “stamps” using the palm of the fake hand, some bubbly gourds, and even my own skin! I have no idea why I hadn’t thought of it before but it’s perfect! 
      I am now able to create beautiful wrinkly textures and accurate skin types on all my little creatures, I was able to make some warts using the gourd sample and I am so happy with the results! My knowledge of making teeth molds definitely came in handy for once, who knew! Anyways I am constantly looking for cool textures, if you have anything gross hit me up man!!! I’m also thinking of adding some little hair sprouts to my creatures.... anything else I should do? Am I being too crazy?

        Overall. Jazzed. I am so pumped to created some more accurate and gross textures in my clay, and I’ve been working more on some temporary tattoo designs, so stay tuned!

 I’m pumped! Thank you for reading this far! I’m gonna attempt to add some pictures but let’s be honest, my lack of computer knowledge is astounding. Maybe in the future I’ll figure out how to link my stuff at the bottom. For now, just hit all products and look at my recent stuff, all my babies are dying to gross people out!


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