Custom Art, ya dig?

Welcome back!

I appreciate you stalking me and checking in on my thoughts, it’s very sweet of you! Keep reading, I’ve got some schtuff to talk about!!


So... the holidays are coming up and I’m sure you shop last minute like I do, but no worries, we got this! If you wanna get something a little more personal for your favorite person, look no further!! I have some custom items and commission artwork to chat with you about....


oh you thought I only made gross artwork? Fair. Well, I am a jack of all trades my friends! I can make anything, and I truly mean that. I can woodburn, paint, draw in all mediums, do some 3D work, installations, heck, I even know how to tattoo! I can do so much I have forgotten all my skills!! I’m all about creating a beautiful custom and personal piece for anyone, I just need more clients! I love this shit!!


Okay, I make pet portraits, watercolor or other, I can do almost anything in any medium, man. I love painting your little fur babies, I’m a sucker for some toe beanz!! 

      I’ve made some funky custom earrings, I can make anything! Want something cute instead? Just let me know! I’ve been known to make some jewelry from resin too, keep your flowers preserved forever!!

I have made TONS of custom paintings and multimedia pieces! I can make anything! I absolutely adore working closely with my clients to create a piece that’s just right... in this piece below I created a custom painting for my client to match their living room! Why haven’t you contacted me about a commission yet?!

      I’ve made so many gifts and trinkets and cool pieces, I even got the chance to make a to-scale map of the world, using accurate textures and borders, and it even included remote controlled lights embedded into the painting to light up personalized locations!! I absolutely love making custom art, let me make more!!

Alright now, still here? Satisfied? Those gears turning?!

let’s test out these links shall we.... I’ve attempted to make a listing for custom pet portraits, and I’ve also put all my commissions of all categories available here!

if you can’t see it, you can go check my most recent products! Prints are always a great gift too!

Let’s be honest, the BEST way to do this would be just contact me! You’ll get all your questions answered, and everything personalized perfectly! I’m currently making some cool jewelry holders and decorated mirrors for holiday gifts, get your orders in before it’s too late!!!

thank you for reading this far, and just checking my site out in general! Go check out all my art too, got some Halloween sales for ya(;

SO anyways, here’s my email, contact me with any questions or commissions! I’m all ears!

-let’s make some fartwork together!


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