Brain and Thoughts

I’m always so nervous posting a blog post. I have no idea why? Like I’m doing this on my own free will, and I truly am so excited to show you guys my stuff! I guess it’s just embarrassing for me to post the more in depth artist statements and thoughts I have about my pieces because like, why would you wanna read that? But that’s why you’re here! So anyways, after my internal battle is done I’ll try and share some real thoughts on my exciting stuff I got going on.. beware!


okay after much more thought..maybe I’ll make a patreon account? Like you guys can subscribe to my weird thoughts and processes and as a prize for putting up with me and witnessing my weirdness I’ll do monthly gifts? Tiers of things? Would that be something you want or am I just talking to myself?! I have so many process videos and surprises and behind the scenes chaos to show you guys!!

I’m all over the place, darn. 

with that being said I’m also trying to improve on my documenting skills, I feel like I gotta get my tick tons going a bit more, it would be a great way to show you guys what the heck I’m up to! I’m trying so darn hard, like man, I have so many little half made videos and clips of process on my phone that I simply forget to finish! I get too excited about the process myself, it takes a lot out of me to share it with you guys! Maybe one of these days I’ll clean up and do a live stream or something....


but for now, here’s some things I’ve been working on and forgetting to share!! 

to start here’s a little expression project I worked on, I’ve been painting so many cats and dogs and making so many Christmas gifts for everyone else I just was dying to paint something funky and abstract!! I wanted to get back to my texture roots, so I mixed some shaving cream with my gel medium and gesso for a nice fluffy look, added some jars and some other surprise elements. The painting was a manly smelling white as it dried, and then I started on the base colors. It took a while to dry, but I was finally able to put on the deep red base, and after another day of drying (the shaving cream mix is very porous!) I added the bright yellow dry brush on top to accent the textures. Boy do I love a good texture piece! Oh it’s so fun. I love that there are small sections of it that are amazing, I just wanna cut them up into a tiny painting sometimes! Anyways I hope you enjoy as much as I do, this things got some great shadows! I’ll have to take better pictures before I list her for sale;)

anyways thanks for looking! I just wanted to share some thoughts with the void, maybe someone’s reading!! I’ll try to post more on social media and stuff, but honestly, I just don’t like it lol! I much rather prefer real life, so if you ever want to see what I’m working on just let me know, I always want to create more too! Maybe one of these days I’ll show my work off in public;)



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