Baby Slupo’s First Blog Post

Hello and thank you for taking a peek at my new online shop!

   While taking some time to rest and recover, I’ve found lots of enjoyment in creating all these little monsters, and getting my shop up to my standards! I have been busy working on lots of new projects and lots of new products to share with you guys, I’m so excited! I’m not the best at making little blog posts, but I figured this would give you guys a bit more insight into how I create my pieces! In the future I plan to make posts about special projects I’m working on, highlight any unloved artwork, answer any funky questions, and make a fool of myself!

I’ll make a special post about my new product later, but for now, how are you doing? Did you come by to check out the new stuff? Did you see all the cool things I have? Are you still here?

Anyways, I have just the functional artwork you’re looking for! Take a peek at my newest wearable creaction! Eye Bleads!

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